Are you a founder?

LeanOnLegal was founded in 2021 by Puja Verma, a qualified lawyer, who is on a personal mission to help founders navigate and understand the law.

We're here to help you level up and make strategic business decisions using the law as an asset, and help founders and entrepreneurs reduce their risk and increase their chances of success by providing them with easily accessible, understandable information about how the law impacts their business.

Our Resources

We offer a resource hub that contains a specially curated list of resources for founders looking for information on topics such as:

  • Data Protection

  • Advertising and Marketing

  • Buying and selling products and services

  • Business structure

  • Contracts

The boring part…

LeanOnLegal is not a law firm and nothing on this website is legal advice, this is an educational website where you can learn about the laws that may affect you and your business. You should always get independent legal and/or financial advice that is for your specific circumstances.