It’s time to LeanOnLegal

We make law accessible and clear for emerging businesses.

Our resource hub will guide you on how to protect you brand, get your products to market and manage personal data.


When launching a product, there are so many things to consider - the business model, marketing, your customers and… personal data.

At LeanOnLegal, we take the stress out of launching products by demystifying data protection so you can focus on building disruptive technology. We cover security of personal data, implementing people's legal rights and ensuring you have all your legal requirements covered.

Law without the jargon

We love making the law easy to understand and believe that understanding how different laws affect all aspects of your business can help you make great decisions.

Home to templates, documents, and guidance in all areas of business such as data protection, marketing, business and cyber security.

Not sure where to start?

Use the Law as an asset

The problem is that the law can be complicated and confusing, especially if you're not familiar with it. And yet, law has an enormous impact on your business: it affects everything from how you run your company to how much money you make.

Our content is broken down into manageable and relevant pieces so you can walk away with real and tangible actions.

Our resource hub contains a specially curated list of resources that will help you find answers to all of your legal questions, no matter where they fall on the spectrum from "what does this mean?" to "how do I do this?".

Latest resources