Contract Terms for Social Media Collabs

Social media collaborations are a great way to connect with influencers, build relationships, and grow your brand. However, it's important to remember that these relationships can be complicated and often require careful planning to ensure you're creating mutually beneficial relationships with those in your community. This article will help you navigate the agreement phase of social media collaborations before they begin so that you can be clear on who does what and when and to navigate any confusion that may arise from working together on content!

The best contracts are the ones that people understand. So you don’t need to have a fancy contract with lots of legal language. Here are the points you can include in your agreement, whether it’s over email or a signed document:

  • What are you going to collab on?

    • e.g. We are to collaborate on 1x IG post (with an option for more if we both agree)

  • Who pays for any costs and how much?

    • e.g. We will both pay half of all costs associated with the creation of the collaboration content

  • Are either of you getting paid? If so, how much, how and how frequently?

  • When will the collab be posted and through which accounts?

    • e.g. The post is to be posted on the same date and time on @youraccount and @myaccount our X platform

  • Explain how you will mention each others account?

    • e.g The post will tag both our IG accounts

  • Who will own the content created?

    • e.g. For posts, we will own any intellectual property rights on our individual contribution to the post and for video we will jointly own the copyright.

  • Can the aesthetic of posts be changed to fit the branding of each collaborator's account?

    • e.g While the content posted will be the identical, we can amend the post to fit our brand aesthetics and style (colour, font, images etc)

  • What happens if either one wants to repurpose the post or video?

    • e.g. If in the future either of us wanted to re-post then it can be posted at any time on any date and always with both of our accounts

  • What happens if either of you get a business opportunity from the collab?

    • e.g Any commercial opportunities that arise from the post belong to the intended recipient of the enquiry, there is no entitlement on either side to any financial gain that arises

  • What happens if you receive a business opportunity for the other collaborator?

    • e.g. Where an introduction for a commercial opportunity arises on the basis that an introduction is made to the other, then there is no entitlement for anyone to obtain financial gain not intended for them (i.e. if I received an enquiry for you, I would hand that over and not charge a commission or take any kind of cut)

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when creating a contract for your social media collaboration! Take some time to dig into all of the details and make sure that the contract reflects what you want and need from the relationship.

Want more resources?


Data Processing Agreement


Guidance for Influencers